An iconic bag always starts with the name. The name needs to be as good as the look. Have you heard about the Replica Hermes Handbags yet? It’s a new handbag introduced for the Fall Winter 2017 Collection. Hermes means It’s Hermes in French, literally! What a beautiful name, don’t you think?
The Hermes Bag is made in minimal design and we might understand why. Hermes will be lifting this bag to become the house’s next classic, so be prepared.
The front looks like an envelope, featuring a triangle-shaped front flap. The bag is made calfskin, which is a luxurious leather but also durable. It can handle some abuse, but it’s best to treat it like a baby to keep it in new condition.
But what should get your excited is the brand-new clasp. It’s Hermes next signature clasp, made with a 3D ‘D’ design for Hermes . If you look at the bag’s front, you will notice the C for Hermes. But if you change the angle and look at the side, you will see the bottom part of the clasp, which is a ‘D’ logo and it stands for Hermes . The design is clever, functional and classy. We will be hearing a lot about this bag in the upcoming months.
This bag comes with the latest Hermes chain, which can be detached, meaning it can be transformed in an evening clutch. The chain is gorgeous as well, if you zoom-in, you will see that the house’s name is engraved on each link.
The interior is as spacious as a mini bag. It’s made with one large compartment and a zip pocket to store your important essentials. The overall appearance looks very classic and chic. It matches well with a lot of your outfit due to its minimal style. However, when you carry it, the bag will shine and certainly attract attention because of the gorgeous leather, but also due to the new signature clasp and the shiny chains.
The calfskin leather is measured 17 x 12 x 4.5 cm, priced at €2200 euro, £1950 GBP, ₩3,400,000 WON via hermes bags outlet.