80% investors make below average returns because they invest when the market is highly priced with a 3 - 5 year horizon.

We see that investors who invest with a 10 year horizon, have a higher potential to make good returns by staying invested.

Let's find out when is the right time to invest in equities

The PE scale serves as an objective measure of how pricey the markets are at a given point in time. It shows the investor how much he is paying for every rupee of earnings.

Know more about the current market P.E

PE Ratio Scale
Cheaply Priced
Moderately priced
PE 16-19
Expensively priced

 If investing in the RED ZONE, keep a 10 year+ horizon

 Invest in the GREEN & YELLOW ZONE, if looking at a shorter horizon

Latest updated on: 27 February 2018
Source: Latest PE data of Nifty from Bloomberg

Mouse over on the below sections to know more

Cheaply Priced
When PE < 16, only 1% net money flow was experienced
Return investors saw before investing.
Returns investors made 3/5/10 years thereafter.
Past 1 Yr Return P/E 3 Yr Return 5 Yr Return 10 Yr Return
-2.5 <16 28.9% 29% 17.9%

Historical data shows that inspite of poor near term return investors who displayed courage and temperament end up with good 3 – 5 year return

Fairly Priced
PE between 16 – 19, 19% net money flow was experienced
Return investors saw before investing.
Returns investors made 3/5/10 years thereafter.
Past 1 Yr Return P/E 3 Yr Return 5 Yr Return 10 Yr Return
16.5 16-19 18.2% 19.2% 15.4

Investors look at moderate returns and end up with reasonable 3 – 5 year return

Expensively Priced
When PE > 19, 80% net money flow was experienced
Return investors saw before investing.
Returns investors made 3/5/10 years thereafter.
Past 1 Yr Return P/E 3 Yr Return 5 Yr Return 10 Yr Return
30.2 19 3.3% 7.8% 14.3

Investors look at moderate returns and end up with reasonable 3 – 5 year return